Latvijas mutvardu vestures petnieku asociacija
Social Organization NGO "Lifestory",
Association of Oral History researchers
of Latvia
Board president: Mara Zirnite
adress: 509. University of Latvia FSI
Akademijas lauk. 1
Riga LV 1940
Tel. 371 7 227920
Fax: 371 7 210806
Email: mara@dzivesstasts.lv
Each individual has a lifestory, but not each
individual has the opportunity to share it. The lifestory is
society's most democratic means of understanding. It is limited
by neither class, nor race, it includes the poor and the rich,
the civil service worker and the drifter, the young and the
old. He/she who tells his/her story, opens his/her soul to the
other, and the world is a better place for it.
"Each individual must participate in the writing
of Latvia's history, and everyone together as a nation," states
writer Erik Hanbergs. Latvia's association of oral history researchers
"Lifestory" participates in this mission. The association has
no membership fee, rather, each person may contribute by working
on this project.
first honorary member of "Lifestory" is Melanija Vanaga. She
is the author of seven books, which are a testimony of life,
the history of her family. And their experience in the Gulag,
as a part of the history of the nation. Interested persons,
groups, and organizations, who work in oral history and would
like to participate should contact: Mara Zirnite at the adress
given above. |