The Nordic Grant Scheme for Network Co-operation with the Baltic Countries and Northwest Russia 2003/2004 Personal and cross-cultural identities in every-day life stories – Development of research and presentation methods
The international network with the support of Nordic Council
Project provided the opportunity to develop a cooperative network and also provided the inspiration for new research ideas and directions.

The project has resulted in the following cooperative research topics:
A research network for the analysis of Latvian diaspora interviews in the context of multiethnic processes in Sweden and Norway
"People and the Sea" - the research network whose methodological director is Finnish researcher Simo Laakkonen
Study of European migration processes following the experience of Knut Djupedal at the Norwegian Emigrant Museum.
Preparing Latvian students for internships at the Nordisk Museet, the Emigration Museum in Hamar, as well as in student specialization in visual anthropology at Tromso University etc.
Coordination of research on minority problems has been proposed, comparing work on Livs (in Latvia), Sami and other ethnic groups using oral history studies

Approximately 15 participants from Latvia and the same number from Nordic countries have benefited from participating in this project and are involved in planning future projects

EXPERIENCES OF INTEGRATION: LIFE STORIES IN LATVIA WEB PAGE, supported by the Royal Netherlands Embassy's small grant program.
Results and Future Work:
We have established the foundation for our web page, which will continue to develop. In addition, we have developed a flexible data base structure. As we proposed, the web page Life Story will continue to serve as a contact centre for local and international organisations who are interested in the history of various social groups in Latvia.

The Oral History project in academic research is supported by the Science Council of Latvia (Latvijas Zinātnes padome) grant.
The Oral History Archive collection is supported by several projects:
   The centenarians project (100 x 100), supported by the Cultural Fund of Latvia, The National Latvian Council in Great Britain's Education Committee
   K. Eglite's interviews with cultural figures of 1960s-1970s Latvia, supported by the Cultural Fund of Latvia,
   the development of the study of Selija's cultural identity, supported by the Cultural Fund of Latvia,
   The World Federation of Free Latvians (PBLA) in the United States, whose aid supported the preparation of the essay collection Spogulis, Latvijas mutvardu vesture (Mirror: Oral History in Latvia), the purchase of computer equipment, the development of a videofilm about cultural figures in Latvia.
   The American Latvian Fund, whose help facilitated informational seminars for the Latvian community in exile, the purchse of computer equipment, five summers of field work, and "Lifestories in Latvia."

"ORDINARY" LIFE STORIES in "EXTRAORDINARY" HISTORY: forming a democratic sense of history through video interaction, supported by Democracy commision small grants program of USA Embassy in Rīga .